March 3, 2020
MOTION by David Weinstein, Vice-Chair Manikka Bowman, Rachel Weinstein
Whereas: The local and global impact of novel coronavirus Covid-19 is evolving, and the ultimate impacts on residents of Cambridge and students and employees of the Cambridge Public Schools and others working, volunteering or visiting CPS schools – and their families – is unknown; and
Whereas: Public health authorities are recommending various measures to prevent infection and transmission and to detect infection; and
Whereas: Many of the measures known to be effective at halting the spread of Covid-19 are also recommended measures to prevent infection and transmission of influenza, colds and other infections, which are currently more widespread in the community, including ensuring hand washing and sanitizing infrastructure is in place and children have adequate time and sufficient guidance and reminders to take recommended steps; and
Whereas: if in the future Covid-19 is determined to be present and/or widespread in or near Cambridge the impacts could be significant, including quarantines of individuals or groups and/or closure of one or more Cambridge Public Schools; and
Whereas: there are Cambridge Public Schools students who rely on school meals for required nutrition; and
Whereas: There are caregivers of Cambridge Public Schools students who do not have feasible backup childcare options for unscheduled extended school closures
Whereas: With an extended, unscheduled closure of the schools the CPS may inadvertently leave hourly employees who are not typically compensated when schools are closed without the financial resources to cover routine costs of living unless arrangements are made now, and other employees may not have enough paid leave to cover an extended closure and other needs; and
Whereas: There have been reports of bias towards people of Asian descent in the United States in connection with the advent of Covid-19; and
Whereas: The Superintendent, administration, teachers and other staff of the Cambridge Public Schools have already begun to address the current and potential impacts of Covid-19 on the Cambridge Public School District;
Now Therefore be it Resolved: That the Superintendent will ensure on an ongoing basis that all appropriate administrative staff are coordinating fully with the City of Cambridge and all relevant local, state and federal agencies on prevention and response preparation measures; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the School Committee will hold a special meeting or subcommittee meeting to brief the public on the district's preparedness effort in collaboration with the City Of Cambridge Public Health Department; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the Superintendent and all appropriate administrative staff coordinate with the City and appropriate local agencies to establish a plan to meet nutritional needs of students in the event of an extended school closure; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the Superintendent and all appropriate administrative staff coordinate with the City and appropriate local agencies to determine if there is any possible backup child care plan for those who would need it in the event of an extended closure of CPS Schools; and if such a plan cannot be established with current knowledge (e.g. limitations on quickly screening for Covid-19 to determine who can safely be gathered together) that options are continually reevaluated as knowledge and technologies evolve; and
Be it Further Resolved: That this planning will include consideration of ensuring compensation for hourly employees if schools must be closed or they or a member of their household is recommended to quarantine, and special allowance for missed days if salaried employees must quarantine or a member of their household is recommended to quarantine, so that those recommended to quarantine will not hesitate to do so for fear of loss of needed income, and those who cannot work because of CPS closures do not lose the pay they rely on and would otherwise receive; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the Cambridge Public Schools will maintain its commitment to anti-racism and anti-bias, will proactively educate students in developmentally appropriate ways that dispel myths about this and other diseases, and will be alert to and responsive to any incidences of race-based bias related to Covid-19; and
Be it Further Resolved: That the Superintendent will report to the School Committee and the public at the next regular School Committee meeting on the plans that have been established and updates on the status of the implementation of those plans that are active, and will provide updates at each subsequent meeting and more frequently if circumstances require and will maintain easily accessible and updated information for the public.
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